Bandra Police have arrested the man who blackmailed a 29-year-old production designer. A suspected individual was apprehended for demanding extortion by threatening to make the complainant's obscene video, recorded during a video call with a girl, go viral on social media.
Gang involved behind extortion fraud
The arrested individual is Arif Zakir Khan, and he is currently in police custody. The police stated that behind the arrested individual is a gang involved in extortion through blackmail, and the police have launched a special operation to apprehend other associates of this gang.
The complainant, who resides with his mother in Bandra and works as a production designer, reported that on September 20, he was watching videos on social media.
How the scam unveiled
At that time, he received a friend request from a girl named Anushka Sharma on his Instagram account. After accepting the request, they started chatting.
Meanwhile, they shared each other's mobile numbers. She video-called him during the chat. After receiving this call, he saw a naked woman in front of him, causing him to become very scared, leading him to end the call. After disconnecting the call, an unknown person sent him a morphed video in which the complainant was also seen in a nude state. The blackmailer demanded money from him by threatening to share the video with his friends on social media.
Fearing defamation, he sent Rs 41 thousand to the blackmailer. However, the blackmail persisted, with the demand for more money. After this incident, he reached the Bandra Police Station and informed the police about the situation.
Details of investigation
Based on his complaint, the police registered a case against an unknown person under various sections of IT and extortion. As soon as the case was registered, the police started searching for the accused. After two months of investigation, the suspect, Arif Khan, has been detained by the police for questioning.
During the investigation, his involvement in these crimes was revealed, leading to his arrest by the police. He is currently in police custody and is undergoing interrogation. During the interrogation of the accused, it was revealed that this is a gang that demands ransom through blackmail, and this gang has committed many crimes thus far.