Shiv Sena (UBT) deputy leader Advay Hiray was arrested by a team of Nashik police from Bhopal on Wednesday. Hiray was facing cases in relation to non-repayment of loans taken from the Nashik District Co-Operative bank for textile mills in Malegaon. The loans were taken when Hiray was director of the mills but were hardly paid back. The court too had declined to give relief to Hiray in the case, after which he had gone missing.
A team of Nashik police arrested him from Bhopal in the early morning, said police sources. However, Hiray's supporters blamed his adversary in politics and PWD minister Dadaji Bhuse for the arrest on the festive day.
Loan worth Rs 7.5 crore taken
According to sources, a loan worth Rs 7.5 crore was taken for one Renuka Textile Mill in Malegaon. The dues swelled to over Rs 32 crore after which a case was filed against Hiray in the month of April this year. After the High Court declined to entertain interim bail, Hiray had gone missing. Hiray is an arch rival of Shinde loyalist Dadaji Bhuse and had left the BJP to join the Shiv Sena (UBT) immediately after the split within the Shiv Sena.
Family alleges MVA leaders are deliberately harassed by CM Shinde
The case in which Hiray is arrested is said to be eight years old. Hiray's family members said that they are pursuing the legal route and reminded of their earlier charges against Chief Minister Eknath Shinde that the MVA leaders are being harassed by deliberately engaging them in fake cases.
Sources, however, said that the key charge in the case is that of taking the loan on bogus documents.