Devendra Fadnavis, Deputy Chief Minister of Maharashtra, welcomed the Election Commission's recent ruling, which identified Ajit Pawar's faction as the legitimate representation of the Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) amidst internal party disagreements.
Fadnavis stated to the media, "This was an expected decision. If we look at the kind of decisions given by the Election Commission at different times in the last 10-15 years in such matters, then these are similar decisions. We were confident that Ajit Pawar will get it. He has the majority and the organization is also with him, the majority on both sides seems to be with him, I congratulate Ajit Pawar... In 2019, a mandate was broken, and the public mandate was cheated, but today's decision has shown the power of democracy,"
EC Recognises Ajit Pawar Faction As 'Real NCP'
On Tuesday, the Election Commission (EC) announced its decision to recognise the Ajit Pawar faction of the Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) as the real political entity, dealing a significant setback to the faction led by party founder Sharad Pawar. The commission granted Ajit Pawar's faction the party's clock symbol.
EC resolved the internal dispute within the NCP by ruling in favour of Ajit Pawar's faction after more than 10 hearings over a period of more than 6 months.
Additionally, the EC has allowed a one-time opportunity for the Sharad Pawar faction to choose a name for its new political entity and submit three preferences to the Commission. This option must be exercised by 3 pm on February 7, 2024.