Mumbai: A 33-year-old deputy manager employed at a life insurance company fell victim to a fraudulent scheme, losing a staggering sum of Rs 10.25 lakh. The incident unfolded when the manager, named Wasim Abdul Khan, received a message on WhatsApp from a woman named Priya, who posed as a Human Resources executive from a reputed multinational company specialising in digital marketing. Priya enticed Khan with the offer of a part-time job, assuring him substantial earnings. Initially, she paid him small amounts to gain his trust, only to later exploit him financially.
According to the details provided by the Cyber Police, Khan works as a deputy manager at Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance. In his complaint to the police, he explained that Priya instructed him to review and like businesses on Google Maps, promising him Rs 50 for each like. Claiming the job was remote, Priya directed Khan to coordinate with a person named Priyanka through a Telegram link. Initially, Khan completed three tasks and received a payment of Rs 150.
How the victim fell into the trap
Subsequently, Khan was offered a prepaid task. He was provided with a link to open an account, where he could deposit money to participate. It was explained that his earnings would be deposited in this account, accessible for withdrawal at any time. To activate the task, Khan was asked to deposit Rs 2,000. Upon completion, he received Rs 2,800 in his account.
Encouraged by Priya, Khan continued depositing money to receive more prepaid tasks, diligently completing each one. In total, he paid Rs 10.25 lakh. However, when he attempted to withdraw his earnings, he encountered obstacles. Khan sought advice from a person named Kamal, who directed him to discuss the matter with his finance manager. During this conversation, the finance manager informed Khan that he needed to pay taxes to withdraw the money, leading Khan to realize he had fallen victim to a scam.
Distressed by the situation, Wasim Khan reported the incident to the Cyber Police Station in the Western Department. Following his complaint, an FIR has been registered under IPC sections 120 (B), 420, 465, 467, 471, and IT Act 66 (D). An investigation into the matter has been initiated.