Mumbai: A 62-year old retired resident of Ghatkopar, Balasaheb Sitaram Ugale, was duped of ₹62 lakh after being lured with the promise of an apartment in Vikhroli. The accused, identified as Ashish Kharat and Sharada Jadhav, took advantage of Ugale’s search for a residential property and convinced him to transfer money for various purposes, including a house deposit of ₹42 lakh, and for other formalities like fees for the lawyer, society maintenance, registration, stamp duty, tax and more, totalling upto ₹20 lakh.
Accused persons reportedly a couple
After taking the money, the duo stopped responding to Ugale’s calls and messages, prompting the senior citizen to approach the police. Investigations located Kharat somewhere in Baramati and Jadhav in Powai. It is suspected that they both are a couple who orchestrated this scam together. A case has been registered under sections 420 (cheating) and 34 (common intent) of the Indian Penal Code.