Spiritual journey towards self-unlocking creativity and resourcefulness

Spiritual journey towards self-unlocking creativity and resourcefulness

Begin your inward search to energise your own creativity and resourcefulness

Luke CoutinhoUpdated: Friday, December 23, 2022, 05:51 PM IST

It is a common tendency to switch off mentally when we encounter the phrase ‘spiritual journey’. We stereotypically associate it with long-drawn sermons and meditation sessions, when we try to school our minds but often our minds begin to wander. Our own spirit is the fundamental truth of human life. We are born from the spirit through our parents, we have it within us.

A spiritual journey towards self is about reconnecting with this spirit, that voice within us, from whom we have disconnected amidst the chaos of living. That disconnect which is constantly making us feel empty, exhausted, uninspired, and listless, despite eating well, sleeping well, and exercising well. It is this spiritual journey toward the self that makes us find our own unique anchor. The journey begins with connecting with our own selves.

Creativity isn’t unique. We are all born with it. Just like we are from spirit and are already spiritual beings by birth. Somewhere we lose the connection with our spirit. So our spiritual journey is all about reconnecting with our spirit. That is when we find our own calling, our passion, and happiness, effortlessly. This reconnection with our own spirit makes us feel energetic, manifest our goals, and attract positive energy.

To reconnect with our own selves, we need to be crystal clear about what we want, feel how we would when we get what we want in life, and then slowly manifest it with all our energies and honest intent. Often, we find it tough to accept compliments and gifts. Understand that to be a giver, you need to be able to receive effortlessly with grace too. The ability to receive graciously from others is beautiful, and a sign of being connected with your own spirit.

When you engage in a spiritual journey, you find it easier to forgive and let go of the burden of what has happened. This unlocks your creativity, makes you explore your own faculties to the maximum, and be upbeat. Yet accept the truth that it is not possible to stay upbeat every hour. What bails you out? Gratitude. You can draw strength from that feeling of gratitude. By being grateful for what you have. This is an important happiness-builder and a deep part of reconnecting with your spiritual journey.

As you gradually reconnect, your spiritual journey towards your own self makes you recognise and appreciate the existing tiny treasures in your life. Whether it is the time, luxury, and ability to do 15 minutes of yoga, breathe freely in the sunshine, walk your pet, or spend time with your loved ones. 

There is no high-tech guide to this self-communion. You don’t need a guru or a guide. Simply tune in with yourself to unlock your own creativity and resourcefulness. Here are ways to get you going:

Set intention: This is your game changer, every day. Deep dive into your thoughts and understand: What is your intention? How do you intend to feel, what do you intend to do to achieve this? Your intention comes from within and sets your emotional thermostat for the day.

Be clear: Know what you want, and move at your own pace. Once you have clarity the focus sets in through strength and courage as you listen to your own intuition. Your spiritual journey gives you the guidance to see things through to your satisfaction.

Be with nature: The most inexpensive recharge arrives in the form of nature. Spend time in the open, taking in the fresh air, breathing, walking, dancing, meditating… Be consistent in making time for nature every day.

Digital detox: Set your own limits and honour them. Mark out the time within 24 hours that you want to devote to social media. Be who you want to be. Honour your own unique self, without comparing yourself to others — the biggest downside of excessive social media consumption.

Declare your flaws: Peace lies in acceptance. No one’s perfect, so don’t waste your energy trying to be perfect. Make self-reflection a daily practice and accept your flaws openly, with those dear to you.

Beauty of prayer: Reconnect with yourself, with gratitude. Whom you pray to doesn’t make a difference. The power of prayer lies in the power of gratitude it catalyses within us. Pray consistently, it carries more power than the world dreams of.

Be happy for others: When you send out good energy to others, you receive good energy. Be genuinely happy for others, be the larger person. Always make a point to serve someone in a little way, every day. That feeling is immeasurable.

Be well: Invest time in taking care of your own self through proper diet, optimum exercise, and adequate sleep. When you are in good physical and emotional health, you are capable of giving unconditional love.

(Luke Coutinho, Holistic Nutrition and Lifestyle – Integrative and Lifestyle Medicine, Founder of You Care - All about YOU by Luke Coutinho)


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