Mandsaur (Madhya Pradesh): In a heartening display of support, Deputy Chief Minister Jagdish Devda encouraged the women of self-help groups by purchasing products made by them at an exhibition organised by the Madhya Pradesh Day-State Rural Livelihood Mission here.
The exhibition, held at Kushabhau Auditorium, showcased a diverse range of products, including vermicompost, paper bowls, incense sticks, bags, nursery, spices, rakhis, pickles, minakari, tri-colour, broom, bamboo caps and LED bulbs.
The Deputy Chief Minister, along with other dignitaries, visited the stalls and took detailed information from the sisters about their products before making purchases.
The programme was attended by municipal president Ramadevi Gurjar, collector Aditi Garg, and district manager Fozia Karim Khan among others.
The event aimed to promote the Mukhyamantri Ladli Behna Yojana and provide a platform for the self-help group women to showcase their entrepreneurial skills.
By purchasing their products, Deputy Chief Minister Devda and collector Garg demonstrated their appreciation for the hard work and dedication of the self-help group women, boosting their morale and encouraging them to continue their endeavours.