Khetia (Madhya Pradesh): A total of 175 cases were successfully resolved in a National Lok Adalat organised at Khetia Court under the auspices of the Tehsil Legal Services Authority. The event was guided by the District Legal Services Authority principal district and sessions judge Anand Kumar Tiwari and secretary Manvendra Pawar.
Inaugurating the significant event, Civil Judge Ajay Uike emphasised the potency of Lok Adalat as a powerful means to achieve justice through mutual settlements, avoiding animosity between parties.
Notable attendees included naib tehsildar Sunil Sisodia, assistant inspector Surendra Baghel, and various advocates along with representatives from local banks and numerous litigants.
A heartening story emerged during the Adalat, where a couple, Sunita and Sunil, resolved their marital discord and agreed to live together, fostering a positive outcome. The judge presented them with a plant symbolising growth and harmony.
In another instance, Avahaniya reconciled with his sister, settling their dispute amicably at the judge's intervention.
The Lok Adalat, which concluded today, witnessed the resolution of 31 criminal cases, two check bounce cases, and 11 miscellaneous cases involving 118 parties.
The event successfully resolved 131 cases related to various banks and the Nagar Panchayat Parishad Khetia, benefiting 146 parties and recovering Rs 19,19,063.
Representatives from various offices, legal volunteers, and court employees also participated, contributing to the overall success of the Lok Adalat.