Jaora (Madhya Pradesh): MP Sudhir Gupta addressed the public relation (PR) campaign of the BJP in different villages of Piplood block of Jaora. Gupta said that the Central and state government is writing a new story of development in Jaora. Various schemes like Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana. Nal Jal Yojana, Jal Jeevan Yojana and others have benefited many needy people.
The PR campaign was organised in Hariyakheda, Rankoda, Dhamedi, Sukheda, Jethana and Talidana villages. MP Gupta reviewed the works of all panchayats after inspecting the ongoing development work. MLA Dr Rajendra Pandey gave detailed information about Madhya Pradesh government's Ladli Behna Yojana to the villagers.
During this, MP and MLA also distributed Ladli Behna Yojana approval letters to selected beneficiaries. Former divisional president Badrilal Sharma, Syed Amjad Ali, MP representative Pawan Jain, Mangilal Patidar, Dinesh Patidar, Ghanshyam Vartia, SDO Himanshu Prajapati and others were also present.