Khargone (Madhya Pradesh): The much fan fared MLA Cup Night Cricket tournament being played in Dudhiya Roshni Stadium came to an end with the grand final on Sunday. The final match of the tournament was played between Fighter Boys team and Likkhi Gram team.
A total of 150 teams across Khargone district participated in the tournament which was held from May 25 to June 11. MLA Ravi Joshi attended as chief guest of closing and prize distribution ceremony. Fighter Boys team received a cash prize of Rs 55,555 while runners-up Likkhi Gram team were awarded Rs 33,333.
District Congress president Ravi Naik, Purna Thakur also attended the prize distribution ceremony and praised the special initiative which they felt offers equal opportunity to all players to showcase their skills.
Organising committee members including Jitendra Joshi, DSA president Manoj Raghuwanshi, sports commentator Hanif Baba were also felicitated.