Gandhwani (Madhya Pradesh): Leader of opposition in the State Assembly and local MLA Umang Singhar, on Wednesday, launched an all-out attack against the BJP government in the State, alleging that their promises, including 24-hour electricity for farmers and schemes like Ladli Lakshmi, are built on falsehood. He highlighted the current challenges faced by the farmers, citing insufficient electricity and the non-availability of fertilisers.
Expressing his gratitude to the people of Gandhwani for their unwavering support, Singhar asserted that despite attempts by the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) to influence voters with inducements, the people of Gandhwani remained steadfast, resisting offers of money, liquor, and intimidation.
Gandhwani celebrated Singhar's victory with a grand rally, starting at the Mandi complex and traversing through the city's main roads. Various communities and organisations, including Navrang Mitra Mandal, Vijay Pandit, Rathore Dharamshala, Kalal Samaj, Jain Samaj, Muslim community, Kshatriya Sirvi Samaj, Sabrang Chowpatty Mahila Congress, Youth Congress, Sikligar Samaj, and others, extended warm welcomes at different locations.
The victory procession turned into a public meeting at the bus stand, featuring addresses by Barwani MLA Rajan Mandloi, former Khargone MLA Ravi Joshi, and block Congress president Satpal Barnala.
The event celebrated Singhar's fourth consecutive victory and his appointment as leader of opposition in the State assembly, showcasing widespread support from various communities and political groups in Gandhwani.