Indore (Madhya Pradesh): A scooter rider was critically injured after a car which was being reversed by the driver hit him in the Pardeshipura area on Friday. The car driver took the reverse carelessly due to which the accident happened. The incident was also captured in the CCTV installed near the spot. The police have registered a case against the car driver and started a search for him.
Pardeshipura police station in-charge Pankaj Dwivedi said that the incident took place near Sugnidevi Ground in Clerk Colony around 4 pm. A person named Roshan Yadav of the area was going somewhere on his scooter. He was passing from the front of a house when a car which was being reversed recklessly from inside the house hit his scooter dragging it a few meters. Yadav got critically injured after he was stuck between the car and the wall. He sustained fractures in both of his legs and is undergoing treatment in a city hospital. The police are taking his statements. On the basis of the car number, a case has been registered against the driver and further investigation is underway into the case.
Man killed in road accident
Another road accident happened in the Rajendra Nagar area late on Friday. An employee of a construction company was killed after being hit by a vehicle while he was returning home.
According to the police, the deceased has been identified as Vijay (40), a resident of Jabran Colony. The police have registered a case and started a search for the vehicle which hit him.
Two cars ram into divider
Two cars rammed into the divider at two different places in the Vijay Nagar area late on Friday. One of the cars rammed into the divider opposite Hotel Marriot. The car driver received minor injuries in the accident. Another car rammed into the divider on the BRTS near Vijay Nagar police station. No casualty was reported in the accident.