Indore (Madhya Pradesh): The Prime Minister’s Office has asked the state chief secretary to take appropriate action following a complaint by Junior Doctor Association (JDA) (MGM Medical College) president Dr Nayan Jain that the pathology tests of cancer patients they are receiving are false and inconclusive and it is hampering the treatment of patients.
The letter by PMO’s section officer to the chief secretary reads, “I am desired to forward herewith through online mode on PMOPG portal a letter/gist of oral representation dated NIL received in this office from Dr Nayan Jain for action as appropriate. Reply may be sent to the petitioner and a copy of the same may be uploaded on the portal.”
In the complaint, Dr Jain mentions that the Head of Department, of Pathology carries out all the biopsy tests of cancer patients.
"Due to the inconclusive and false biopsy reports, treatment of cancer patients has been affected and multiple biopsies had to be done," the complaint letter said.
Around 20 samples are sent for biopsy every day to the pathology department. Meanwhile, Dr Ashok Panchonia, HoD Pathology told the media that the complaint is motivated and rubbished the allegations.
"The JDA president had written the letter in a personal capacity. The other office-bearers of JDA clarified to the dean that they don’t have any relation to the complaint.”
JDA office-bearers distance themselves from complaint
Except for the president, other office-bearers of JDA distanced themselves from the matter and issued another letter stating that the JDA president had written the complaint letter in a personal capacity and the JDA has nothing to do with it.