Indore (Madhya Pradesh): Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan will give grant on LPG refills to consumers under Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana (PMUY) and the Ladli Behnas (who have gas connection in their own name) registered under the Mukhyamantri Ladli Brahmin Yojana on October 6 at 10 am. The beneficiaries will get refilled cylinders at Rs 450. The programme will be held at 88 LPG agencies of the city.
The amount of state grant for LPG refill will be transferred from Bhopal through a single click. On this occasion, programmes will be organised at 88 gas agencies of the district. For this, collector Dr Ilayaraja T has also appointed nodal officers.
District supply controller (DSC) ML Maru informed that instructions have been issued to all gas agency operators of the district to organise programmes in the presence of beneficiaries on October 6 from 10 am at each gas agency. Local public representatives should also be invited to the said programme. Make arrangements to watch the live telecast of the state-level programme organised in Bhopal at the venue. Under the scheme, 66,580 registrations have been done so far in the district.