Indore (Madhya Pradesh): With corona pandemic taking lives of over 3 lakh people in the country, Jain community organised a day-long prayer session to seek divine support to deal with the pandemic on Monday.
Over 100 families held prayer session, which were of 30-minute duration each. Jinendra Lata Sogani began the prayer session at 8 am and urged people to meditate and strengthen their immunity. Further, Pratik Ekta Baj prayed to Tirthankar Mahavir to guide mankind to fight the pandemic. Shikharchand Anita Baj and Vishal Mona Baj also joined prayers and motivated others.
“Jain prayer is about spiritual development; it is a means to an end and not an end in itself,” Disha Gowadiya said. “Jains do not pray to ask Tirthankaras for material favours but to inspire them in their practice. So, we hope to find the way and learn to fight the pandemic,” Abha Jain said.
The families of Srishti Sogani, Rajesh Payal Kasliwal, Mona Mukesh Patn, Lalit Anita Badjatya, Sunil Tripti Sethi, Tej Kumar, Prema Badjatya and Kamla Dosi also participated.
“The Ṇamōkāra mantra or Navkar Mantra is the most significant mantra in Jainism, and one of the oldest mantras. This is the first prayer recited by Jains while meditating,” Shweta Patodi, another devotee, said.