Indore (Madhya Pradesh): Indore police returned more than Rs 8 lakh to 17 people, who were victims of online fraud by conmen using novel ways to dupe unsuspecting victims, police said on Saturday. The accused received money from the complainants on the pretext of refunding their money and by downloading the remote access mobile apps etc.
The fraud investigation cell of the crime branch was instructed to investigate the complaints of online frauds. The officials investigated the case and found that a person named Aniket, who is a businessman of the agriculture products in the city, had searched the customer care number of a company on the internet. He made a phone call to a number and the receiver, who posed himself as an officer of the company, received Rs 33,000 from him on the pretext of selling his products in some foreign countries.
In another complaint, one Diya had lost Rs 7,000 after he searched for the data entry job on the internet and talked with a person on the mobile number given on the internet. Another woman was duped of Rs 20,000.
Dhawal was duped of Rs 13,000 after he searched the customer care number of an e-wallet and talked with the conman. A woman named Sudha was duped of Rs 50,000 by the conman, who posed himself as a telecom company officer.
A person named Abu was duped of Rs 1.25 lakh by a conman, who posed as a bank officer. The accused told him to download a remote access app after which the accused managed to transfer the money from the bank account of the complainant to his account. Three other persons lost Rs 50,000, Rs 9,955 and Rs 80,000 respectively. The entire amount was returned to the complainants to their bank accounts.
Around Rs 4 lakh of eight other complainants were also returned by the crime branch. More than Rs 8 lakh was returned to the 17 complainant within a few days.