Indore (Madhya Pradesh): Four men were arrested with 65 stolen laptops in the Vijay Nagar area on Tuesday. Police claimed that the laptops were stolen from the trucks on the highways by the accomplices of the accused.
According to the Vijay Nagar police station in charge Ravindra Singh Gurjar, information was received that some men were seen near Shaheed Park trying to sell stolen laptops. The police team reached the mentioned place and arrested the accused named Asif, Javed, Ghula, and Rifaqat. 65 laptops worth Rs 15 lakh were also recovered from them.
The accused allegedly informed the police that they had taken the laptops from the gang of Vinod Kanjar. Police claimed that the gang indulged in stealing parcels from the trucks on highways. The accused are being questioned for other accused indulged in the crime.
On the run accused arrested with 25 stolen mobile phones
Vijay Nagar police arrested a youth named Jitendra alias Jonny and recovered 25 mobile phones from him. The accused was on the run in connection with a robbery case in the Vijay Nagar area and a bounty was also announced by the police for his arrest. Police said that the accused has supplied some phones to Nepal, Bangkok and Dubai. He is being questioned further.