Indore (Madhya Pradesh): Bhanwarkuan police busted a gang of cyber thugs and arrested five accused who used the dark web to extract account information of government banks to identify and hack accounts with large sums of money. They then used to transfer this money to their accounts.
The accused were arrested from the Teen Imli Area on Thursday when the gang was looking for a hotel that would give them entry without ID. They intended to use the hotel internet to transfer Rs 42 crore by hacking the account of a firm situated in Karnataka.
Police station in-charge Jayant Dutt Sharma said that information was received that some youths are roaming to gain entry into the hotel without ID. The team raided the area and nabbed the accused including Chandan Vaskel (30), Manish (24), Dilip Jaiswal (21), Harsh Sharma (25) and Trilok Sharma (25).
Police said that all of them are educated youths, while one is a cyber expert.
When the police questioned them about staying in the hotel without giving ID, the accused said that apart from finding the hotel that would give them accommodation without ID, they also chose hotels where the WiFi speed is good so that they can quickly finish off hacking the account and transferring the money and leave.