Indore (Madhya Pradesh): Pardeshipura police registered a case against a man for flashing his private part in front of a woman on Wednesday. According to the police, a 30-year-old woman lodged a complaint with Pardeshipura police station stating that she was sitting outside her house and the accused Bhavesh was staring towards her house. He flashed his private part in front of her. When she objected to it, the accused abused her and threatened her with dire consequences. The police registered a case against the accused under relevant sections of the IPC and began a probe into the case.
Morphed nude photos sent to 14-yr-old
Bhanwarkuan police registered a case against a person for sending edited photos of a minor to her mobile number by morphing her face into a nude photo. According to the police, a 14-year-old girl lodged a complaint with Bhanwarkuan police station stating that an unidentified person sent her morphed photos to her mobile number after adding her face to a nude photograph of someone else. The person also hacked her social media ID and sent those photos to her friends and family members. She also received abusive and vulgar messages from that person and he forced her to talk to him. The police registered a case against the accused under relevant sections of the IPC and began a probe into the case.
POCSO Act invoked against accused
Chandan Nagar police registered a case against a man for harassing a minor girl. According to the police, a 15-year-old girl lodged a complaint at Chandan Nagar police station stating that the accused Nirmal used to follow her on her way on a daily basis. On the day of the incident, the accused told her that he liked her and wanted to talk to her. The girl refused to do so after which the accused held her hand with bad intention and molested her. The victim cried for help and the accused fled from there. The police registered a case against the accused under relevant sections of the IPC and POCSO Act and began a probe into the case.