Indore: Back to the roots to tackle allergy

Indore: Back to the roots to tackle allergy

With the changing lifestyle, people had stopped putting mattresses and pillows out in the sun which was an old practice in every household. Dust mites get killed in three-four hours of sunlight and this can prevent the most common allergy.

Staff ReporterUpdated: Sunday, June 12, 2022, 10:39 PM IST
Dr GD Nagar receives the life-time achievement award at the MP Pulmocon, 2022. |

Indore (Madhya Pradesh): Going back to the roots and following the old ways to deal with common health issues could help you in preventing allergy. Avoiding this is the reason for 60 per cent of the total allergy cases in the country.

“Out of the total number of different types of allergies, 60 per cent are cases of allergy to house dust mites. It is the most common problem caused due to indoor dust at home. However, it can be prevented by opting for old ways to solve common health problems like putting the mattress out in the sun once a week for three-four hours,” allergy specialist of Mysore Dr Mahesh P said.

He was talking to the media on the sidelines of the MP Pulmocon, 2022, organised by the department of respiratory medicine of MGM Medical College on Sunday. Dr Mahesh added that, with the changing lifestyle, people had stopped putting mattresses and pillows out in the sun which was an old practice in every household. Dust mites get killed in three-four hours of sunlight and this can prevent the most common allergy.

Dr Mahesh also raised concern over the use of incense sticks and mosquito repellent coils as these generate smoke equal to 15 cigarettes. “People must use earthen lamps and should opt for mosquito nets instead of repellents to avoid indoor pollution and allergies,” Dr Mahesh said.

Meanwhile, Delhi’s respiratory medicine expert Dr Rajkumar emphasised tobacco cessation and said that about 74 per cent people want to leave tobacco but only 20 per cent of them are successful. “According to a recent study, 70 per cent people start consuming tobacco and tobacco products for fun, but it turns into a habit. On an average, about 48 per cent of the country consumes some kind of tobacco products,” he added.

Meanwhile, president of the Indian Chest Society, Indore, Dr Salil Bhargava said that Dr GD Nagar was felicitated with the Life-Time Achievement Award, while Dr Rajkumar was felicitated with the Padma Shri Dr Nandlal Bordiya Oration.

Organising chairperson Dr Deepak Bansal said it was the third conference in Indore and experts from various medical colleges across the country attended it.


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