Indore (Madhya Pradesh): A BSc student was allegedly thrashed and abducted by his old friend over some rivalry in the middle of the road in Indore. The incident was reported at city's Dwarkapuri area and was recorded in the CCTV cameras installed on the road.
Though the police said that the student was only thrashed by the accused friend and his aides, and was not abducted, the CCTV showed that some youths gagged his mouth publicly, forcibly made him sit in a car and drove away with him.
All accused booked
According to the police, a case has been registered against Mohit Verma, Roshan Chooliwal, Prateek and Rithik on the complaint of 19-year-old Mohit Bachhane, a resident of Prajapat Nagar area of the city. Bachhane informed the police that he is a BSc student of a city college. He was going somewhere while talking on his phone when a youth came from behind and pressed his mouth. After that his other accomplices also came there and forcibly made him sit in a car and drove away.
CCTV installed near the spot captured the entire incident. They took him to a place where they reportedly thrashed him badly. Once inside the car, Bachhane came to know that the accused were his old friends.
A case under section 115 (2), 269, 351 (2), 3 (5) of BNS was registered against the accused and started a search for them.
Bachhane said that he had an argument with his friends 15 days ago over some issue. They had abducted and thrashed him over the same. Police said that the youth was not abducted but he was only thrashed by the youths.