Kolkata: The West Bengal Pollution Control Board (WBPCB) adding to the festive mood of the people of West Bengal had relaxed the decibel of bursting of green firecrackers during Diwali, Chatt Puja and Christmas.
According to the notification from the Board, only green firecrackers are allowed during the festivities. From its earlier limit of 90 decibel, the board had relaxed it to 123 decibel.
WBPCB's new guidelines:
"In the state of West Bengal, only green firecrackers can be sold and bursting of such firecrackers shall be allowed for
i. Two hours during the Deepawali festival from 8 pm to 10 pm.
ii. Two hours during Chatt Puja from 6am to 86 am and
iii. 35 minutes during Christmas and New Years' Eve from 11:55 pm to 12:30 am," read part of the notification.
According to an official of the board, the Supreme Court had already fixed the upper limit to 125 decibels which is applicable in other states for which the board had decided to relax the upper limit to 123 decibels.
"Bursting of green firecrackers within 100 metres of radius at silent zones is not allowed. People can also contact us if they feel that in some area crackers above the specified decibel is being bursted," said the official.