Dehradun: Under the leadership of Chief Minister (CM) Pushkar Singh Dhami, Uttarakhand is once again ready to create history. Uttarakhand will soon become the first state of India to implement the Uniform Civil Code (UCC). The expert committee constituted on UCC is expected to submit its report to the government soon. After getting the report, it will be tabled in the Assembly.
According to sources, the committee constituted under the chairmanship of former Supreme Court judge Justice Ranjana Desai has prepared the draft of UCC. The committee is expected to submit its report to the government soon. After the report is presented in the Assembly, its other formalities will be completed. UCC is not currently implemented in any state of the country. In this way, Uttarakhand will be the first to create a new history by implementing UCC.
Draft prepared on the basis of 2.5 lakh suggestions:
The expert committee interacted with the citizens of all the 13 districts of the state to prepare the draft of Uniform Civil Code (UCC). Did. The committee received more than 2.5 lakh suggestions from the public through online and offline medium. The committee also discussed UCC with migrant Uttarakhandis. After taking cognizance of all the suggestions, the committee has finalized the draft.
CM Dhami had taken the decision on UCC in the first cabinet meeting:
After taking oath as Chief Minister for the second time, CM Dhami took the decision on UCC as per his promise on 23 March 2022. In the first cabinet meeting held on 25 February, it was decided to implement the Civil Code (UCC) in the state. To prepare the draft of UCC, an expert committee was constituted under the chairmanship of retired Supreme Court judge Justice Ranjana Desai on 27 May 2022.
This is a five-member expert committee:
The committee was formed under the chairmanship of retired Supreme Court judge Justice Ranjana Desai. The committee includes Delhi High Court judge Justice Pramod Kohli, former Chief Secretary of Uttarakhand Shatrughan Singh, Doon University’s Vice Chancellor Prof. Surekha Dangwal and social activist Manu Gaur.
What is Uniform Civil Code:
Uniform Civil Code (UCC) advocates equal law for people of all religions and communities living in the country. At present, every religion and caste has a different law, according to which decisions are taken in personal matters like marriage and divorce. After the implementation of UCC, the same law will apply to citizens of every religion and caste in matters like marriage registration, divorce, child adoption and division of property.