Muzaffarnagar: In a shocking incident, a desperate farmer dressed in Sadhu attires, who had been tirelessly petitioning Tehsil authorities for three years to reclaim his land from the encroachment of the land mafia, resorted to extreme measures in front of the District Magistrate (DM) in Uttar Pradesh's Muzaffarnagar. The man attempted self-immolation in front of the DM in his office in Khatauli. The incident was caught on camera and the video of the incident is doing rounds on social media.
His one bigha land was allegedly taken over by the land mafia
The man who has been identified as Praveen and hails from Ladpur village came to the DM's office seeking help after his one bigha land was allegedly taken over by the land mafia and forcibly and illegally put under cultivation. Despite tirelessly petitioning Tehsil authorities to reclaim his land, the farmer's appeals fell on deaf ears. In a desperate plea, he had warned of resorting to self-immolation if his land remained in the grip of encroachers.
The farmer had previously conveyed his intention to take this drastic step
The farmer had previously conveyed his intention to take this drastic step, vowing to visit the Chief Minister's residence on November 3, along with his family, if his pleas went unanswered. On the day of Sampoorna Samadhan Diwas the man reached the DM's office and said that he has been making rounds of the authorities since past 4 years and poured petrol on himself by taking out a bottle from his bag.
He was saved due to the swift response from the people
He was saved due to the swift response from the people present in the office. He was held by them as soon as he poured petrol on himself and the people did not let him set himself ablaze in the office. They then handed over the man to the police officials present in the DM's office. The police took him to the SDM office's bathroom where he was doused with water.
The land dispute is presently under the jurisdiction of the SDM Khatauli court
DM Arvind Mallappa Bangari stated that the land dispute is presently under the jurisdiction of the SDM Khatauli court. He assured that appropriate action would be taken after a thorough examination of both parties' claims. The incident stands as a stark reminder of the urgent need to address land-related disputes and dismantle the grip of criminal encroachment, safeguarding the rights of farmers like Praveen.