Lucknow: Blaming other parties for spreading rumors, Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) Chief Mayawati said her party will not forge alliance with anyone. She said that there is no question of alliance with the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) or the I.N.D.I.A of opposition parties.
A day before the meeting of I.N.D.I.A in Mumbai, Mayawati has made it clear that she would be a part of any alliance. She also accused the media of spreading rumors about her joining any alliance.
Mayawati ruled out alliance with any party
Giving this information on social media, Mayawati said that her party would contest elections in five states this year and LS polls of 2024 on its own. She ruled out the question of alliance with anyone. She said that the opposition as well as the ruling alliance have been spreading rumors about BSP which is not true. Earlier it was assumed that leaders of I.N.D.I.A have approached Mayawati for becoming their part.
BSP will contest alone in upcoming Lok Sabha polls
BSP Chief said that the NDA or I.N.D.I.A alliance have parties which are anti poor, castiest, communal and pro rich against whom BSP is fighting ever since its inception. She said that BSP can never become part of any such alliance. Reminding her supporters of the UP elections of 2007, Maya said that her party would go alone in coming LS polls and in five states where election is to be held this year. Earlier on August 23 also Maya had issued a press statement ruling out any possibility of alliance.