Sunil Sangwan, who recently resigned from his post as Bhondsi Jail Superintendent and joined the Bharatiya Janata Party, will contest the Haryana Assembly election from the Charkhi Dadri constituency. His name appeared in the BJP's first list of 67 candidates, released on Wednesday for the state assembly election.
During his tenure as Sunaria Jail Superintendent, rape and murder convict Gurmeet Ram Rahim was released six times on parole or furlough.
Sangwan, the son of former Haryana Minister Satpal Sangwan, joined the BJP on Monday along with former JJP leader Devender Singh Babli in the presence of state party chief Mohan Lal Badoli, former Tripura CM Biplab Deb, and other senior party members.
After joining the saffron party, Sangwan told news agency IANS that he was inspired by the policies of the BJP and Prime Minister Narendra Modi, which led him to join the party.
Sunil's father, Satpal Sangwan, quit the Congress party two months ago to join the ruling party in the state.
According to reports, the state government fast-tracked the procedure to relieve him after his resignation.