Responding to digs taken by BJP leaders on the ‘crow’ incident, AAP leader Raghav Chadha quoted a popular Hindi couplet. Earlier on Wednesday, photos of a crow attacking the lawmaker outside the Parliament went viral on social media, with BJP leaders and their supporters trolling Chadha.
The BJP Delhi’s Twitter handle shared the video with a caption: “Jhoot Bole, Kauwa Kaate (crow pecks those who lie)”. The video led to Chadha being the centre of trolling on Twitter.
In the viral photos, Chadha is seen standing in front of the Parliament carrying documents in his hand and attending a call. The crow then flew close to him and pecked his head. The sudden attack led the lawmaker to react and bend his head to escape from the bird.
‘Kauwa moti khayega’
However, in the evening, the lawmaker tweeted a response to the BJP’s jibe. “Ramchandra keh gaye Siya se aisa kalyug aayega, hans chugega daana dunka kauwa moti khayega (Lord Ram told Sita a time of darkness will arrive when swans will eat grains while crows will get pearls," he tweeted.
Chadha had earlier accused the BJP of hiding “atrocities being committed in Manipur”. He also said that the BJP obstructed the functioning of Parliament and expressed the need to hold the government accountable and address the concerns of the people.