The Odisha government on Tuesday confirmed that the final death toll from the triple train accident stands at 288 out of which 205 bodies have been transferred. Odisha Chief Secretary Pradeep Jena announced the unfortunate number "after the reconciliation of district hospitals, mortuaries & reports from collectors of different districts."
Three trains collided near the Bahanaga Bazar station in Balasore district last week which left 288 dead and nearly 1000 injured. The injured were admitted to various hospitals across Balasore, Cuttack and West Bengal. The accident occured around 7 PM on Friday.
Both passenger trains were at high speed, and experts have cited it as one of the main reasons for the high number of casualties.
CBI begins investigation into Balasore train accident
A team of CBI officials, along with forensic experts, which had reached Balasore district on Monday, started the probe immediately after the registration of the FIR at 2.15 PM on Tuesday.
The agency, which has little expertise in dealing with the functioning of railways, may need the help of rail security and forensic experts to get to the bottom of the case, the officials said.
The FIR stated many deaths were due to injuries caused due to the collision and electrocution after coming in contact with overhead low tension line.
The overhead wires snapped as coaches which toppled over in the triple train accident brought down electrical poles, officials said.