India is celebrating its 78th Independence Day on Thursday. The tricolour is hoisted at all government offices and elected representatives' residences as per protocol. However, the national flag was not hoisted at the official residence of Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal. Sunita, wife of CM Kejriwal has expressed her disappointment and slammed the Narendra Modi government of 'dictatorship'.
How will you contain patriotism?, asks Sunita Kejriwal
"Today, the National Flag was not hoisted at the CM's residence. It is very sad. This dictatorship can keep an elected Chief Minister in jail, but how can it contain the patriotism of the heart," Sunita Kejriwal posted on social media platform X.
She also shared the post by Aam Admi Party (AAP) leader Atishi's post where the leader wrote, "Let us pledge on this Independence Day that we will continue to fight against dictatorship till our last breath."
Uncertainty had erupted as to who will hoist the national flag at the CM's official residence in Delhi as Arvind Kejriwal is lodged in Tihar jail in connection to the money-laundering case by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI). Kejriwal's bail plea was rejected by the Supreme Court on the eve of Independence Day.
Atishi not permitted to hoist the tricolour
The General Administration Department (GAD) said on Tuesday that it cannot authorise cabinet minister Atishi to hoist the national flag on behalf of the chief minister. The GAD said that it is 'legally invalid'.
In a letter to Lt Governor V K Saxena last week, Kejriwal said cabinet minister Atishi would hoist the national flag in his place during the Delhi government's Independence Day programme. The LG office, however, maintained that they did not receive any communication from the chief minister on tricolour hoisting.