Udham Singh Nagar: In a horrific incident, a shopkeeper brutally thrashed a mentally challenged boy on suspicion of theft in Uttarakhand's Udham Singh Nagar. The incident was filmed by an onlooker, and the video is making rounds on social media. It can be seen in the video that the shopkeeper is brutally beating the boy with a stick in the middle of the road while the boy is screaming in pain and pleading with the shopkeeper to let him go. The shopkeeper also smashed the youth's head with the stick.
The incident occurred at a shop in the Adarsh Colony area of Rudrapur in Udham Singh Nagar. The shopkeeper caught the boy on suspicion of theft at his shop and started thrashing him brutally in the middle of the road.
There are reports that the youth is mentally challenged, and the shopkeeper was thrashing him in front of a crowd. The video of the incident is going viral on social media. It can be seen in the video that traffic was also affected as the shopkeeper was beating the youth outside his shop and people gathered to witness the incident.
Warning: Disturbing Video. Viewer's Discretion Advised
The shopkeeper hit the youth with kicks and punches while holding a bamboo stick in his hand. The shopkeeper then hit the youth on his head with the stick, causing head injuries. The youth is seen in the video bleeding and groaning in pain.
Onlookers tried to reason with the shopkeeper, but he did not listen to them and kept beating the boy. The video was shot by a person from his car, which was halted due to the traffic disruption caused by the incident.
There are no reports of any police action in connection with the matter. The police should take action after conducting an inquiry. The shopkeeper should not have taken the law into his own hands even if the boy was accused of stealing from his shop. He should have approached the police and registered a complaint, following the proper legal procedure.