New Delhi, July 31: Heavy rainfall lashed Delhi on Wednesday evening causing flooding and severe water logging in the capital. Amid the deluge, a house collapsed in Delhi's Sabzi Mandi area, confirmed a Delhi Fire Services official.
"We received a call at 8:57 pm regarding the collapse of a house in the Sabji Mandi area close to Ghanta Ghar near Robin Cinema. Five fire tenders were rushed to the spot," an official said.
Meanwhile water logging was reported from various parts of Delhi as heavy rains lashed the capital city on Wednesday. This is the second time in a week that heavy rains have battered the city and NCR, leading to water logged streets and affecting the lives of the people.
Severe waterlogging was also witnessed in Old Rajinder Nagar after incessant rainfall in the national capital where three UPSC aspirants died due to drowning at the basement of Rau's IAS coaching institute on July 27.