Amid heavy rainfall in Bengaluru, a 31-year-old man tragically drowned in a storm drain on Sunday. The victim, Lokesh, entered the drain to assess the water depth despite warnings from residents. The powerful force of the water swept him away, and his body was discovered in another drain located about 12 km away in Byatarayanapura.
Victim ignored warnings from bystanders
According to reports, bystanders advised Lokesh against entering the water due to the strong current. However, he disregarded their warnings and proceeded into the drain.
Another death reported on same day
Sunday's heavy rainfall also claimed the life of a 22-year-old Infosys employee named Bhanu Rekha. Her car became stranded in neck-deep water at an underpass, resulting in her demise. Fortunately, five of her relatives were rescued from the situation.
CM Siddaramaiah announced ₹5 lakh compensation
Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah visited Rekha's family at the hospital, announcing a compensation of ₹5 lakh and ensuring they receive free medical treatment.
CM promises to probe the matter
Upon learning that doctors at the hospital allegedly refused to treat Bhanurekha, despite her being alive when she arrived, reporters covering the incident expressed their concerns. In response, Siddaramaiah, the Chief Minister, promised to investigate the matter and take appropriate action.
Eyewitnesses at the scene reported that the car driver attempted to drive through the water, but as they reached the middle of the underpass, the vehicle became partially submerged. The occupants of the car urgently tried to save themselves.
Investigation underway on deaths due to floods
Tushar Girinath, Chief Commissioner of the Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike, stated that the civic body would investigate how the car entered the barricaded underpass. Deputy Chief Minister DK Shivakumar, who conducted an inspection at the site on Sunday night, has requested a comprehensive report on all underpasses in the state. He emphasized the need to prevent similar incidents from occurring again, stressing the government's responsibility to protect its citizens.