Rahul Gandhi, former MP for Wayanad, on Sunday updated his Twitter bio to include 'Dis'Qualified MP' in his profile after being disqualified as a Lok Sabha MP.
This act followed his conviction in a 2019 defamation case by a Surat court. Gandhi added the 'disqualification' to his social media account which is followed by 23 million people. The Congress party launched a day-long satyagraha protesting his disqualification on the same day.
Rahul Gandhi was disqualified earlier on Friday
Rahul Gandhi, on Friday, was disqualified as member of Lok Sabha a day after conviction in Modi surname defamation case. Gandhi scion who represents Wayanad Parliamentary Constituency of Kerala was disqualified under provisions of Article 102 (1) (e) of the Constitution of India read with Section 8 of Representation of the People Act.
In the notification, it was stated that Gandhi was disqualified consequently after he was convicted to two years in jail by the Surat Court's Chief Judicial Magistrate in a 2019 criminal defamation case.
He had made a remark on all thieves sharing the same last name 'Modi'.
"Consequent upon his conviction by the Court of Chief Judicial Magistrate, Surat in C.C./18712/2019, Shri Rahul Gandhi, Member of Lok Sabha representing the Wayanad Parliamentary Constituency of Kerala stands disqualified from the membership of Lok Sabha from the date of his conviction i.e. 23 March, 2023 in terms of the provisions of Article 102(1)(e) of the Constitution of India read with Section 8 of the Representation of the People Act, 1951," the notification read.