The trailer of the highly anticipated film Fighter, starring Hrithik Roshan, Deepika Padukone and Anil Kapoor, has generated quite a buzz on social media. Following its official release by the film's makers, it swiftly went viral, and fans were all praises for its dynamic action sequences and impactful dialogues. With fans already proclaiming it a 'certified blockbuster,' others wondered why Deepika has been missing from the promotional events of the film.
Since the last few days, Hrithik, Anil and other actors, including Karan Singh Grover and Akshay Oberoi, have been busy with the promotions of the film.
As the release of Fighter is just round the corner, director Siddharth Anand revealed why Deepika was not present at the events along with her co-stars. For those unversed, a few media reports also stated that all is not well between Siddharth and Deepika and the actress also unfollowed the director on Instagram.
Reacting to Deepika's absence from the promotional events, Siddharth told Bollywood Hungama, "This is a promotional strategy that we have taken. You will start seeing Deepika Padukone from (Tuesday) everywhere. People put a lot of conjectures into things. Deepika was supposed to come for the trailer launch, but she was under the weather. And now she is going to be everywhere; our strategy is such."
Siddharth also said that Fighter promotions would be incomplete without Deepika as her pairing with Hrithik is one of the major highlights. "It’s a huge excitement for me as a filmmaker to see both of them (together). So, I can imagine that even the audience is waiting for (her). You will start seeing them closer to the release. Also, we didn’t want too much of Hrithik and Deepika before the release. We wanted people to enjoy them on the big screen. We didn’t want that saturation," the filmmaker said.
Fighter makes Deepika and Hrithik's first on-screen collaboration. The film is all set to hit the silver screens on January 25, 2024.