Bollywood actor Sunny Deol, who continues to bask in the success of his film Gadar 2 which created a storm this year at the box office, recently attended the opening ceremony of the 54th International Film Festival of India (IFFI) in Goa. He took the stage for a masterclass alongside directors Anil Sharma, Rajkumar Santoshi, and Rahul Rawail. However, his impromptu performance of the film’s popular song Main Nikla Gaddi Leke with fans has hit the viral note.
A zealous Sunny Deol grooved to the upbeat rhythm of the song alongside fans who joined him on stage, while the crowd cheered for the lot. Watch the clip below.
Main Nikla Gaddi Leke has been sung by Udit Narayan, and composed by Uttam Singh. The lyrics of the song have been penned by Anand Bakshi.
Despite this light-hearted moment at IFFI, Sunny got emotional during a conversation with the directors as they traced his journey in the film industry.
As per reports, Rahul asked Sunny to enlighten the audience about his film journey which began with Betaab in 1983, to which the actor said, “I have been really very lucky. I just get too emotional, that’s my problem.”
Sunny elaborated that post-Gadar: Ek Prem Katha released in 2001 which was a massive hit, he struggled because scripts were not offered to him and nothing was happening.
When Rajkumar Santoshi said, “I believe that the industry has not done justice to Sunny’s talent. But God has done justice,” Sunny couldn’t help but get teary-eyed.
Meanwhile, Gadar 2 saw Sunny reprise the role of Tara Singh. The film also starred Ameesha Patel, Simrat Kaur, and Utkarsh Sharma. It became the second-highest-grossing Hindi film.
Sunny will next be seen in Rajkumar Santoshi's Lahore 1947, which is being produced by actor Aamir Khan.