A case has been registered against Mohan Theatre in Malegaon after chaos ensued following a series of firecrackers bursting inside the cinema hall. The crowd scattered for safety as rockets went off and the fireworks were caught on camera. The visuals raised concern among netizens following which the police took action. As per reports, two people have been detained and an FIR has been registered under Section 112 in Chavani police station.
Tiger 3 hit the big screens on the occasion of Diwali (November 12). The makers changed their strategy of releasing on a Friday and chose a public holiday instead to generate more footfall. However, the bursting of firecrackers in an indoor vicinity equipped with electronic items and surrounded by fabric could have led to a serious mishap. It has been a trend during the release of films involving big superstars, but the audience trying to look for cover and running to safety as seen in the viral clips only meant there was a need for strict law and order to keep things in check since this was a recipe for disaster in the making.
The makers or the actors involved in the project are yet to react to the viral videos showing how deadly the bursting of firecrackers was inside a cinema hall.
Speaking about releasing the film on Diwali, Salman said in a statement, "It is always special to have a release on Diwali because I have very fond memories of how the festival has always blessed me with good luck.”
He added, "For me, Diwali has always been that festival that brings people together, brings families together. I'm looking forward to spending this Diwali with my folks. I will watch Tiger 3 with my entire family this Diwali and I hope everyone does too and thoroughly enjoys this big screen experience."
Directed by Maneesh Sharma, Tiger 3 stars Salman Khan, Katrina Kaif, and Emraan Hashmi in lead roles. Produced by Aditya Chopra the film was released in Hindi, Tamil, and Telugu.