Taapsee Pannu recently revealed that she would have never done Ranbir Kapoor's film Animal and added that even though she has not seen the film, she has a take on it. In an interview with Raj Shamani for his YouTube channel, the actress said that many people told her too much about Animal. "I am not an extremist, so I agree to disagree to a lot of people," she added.
Taapsee said that people should not compare Animal to Hollywood and say 'If you liked Gone Girl, how can you not like Animal'?
The actress added, "You are catering to a different audience. In Hollywood, people don't start copying actors' hairstyles from movies or using a film's line in real life. They also don't start stalking women after seeing it in a movie. But all this happens in our country. This is our reality. You cannot compare our film industries with Hollywood and say 'Why are these pseudos talking like this about Animal, when they can enjoy Gone Girl as an art'? Understand the difference.”
Taapsee said films like Animal should be made but with a 'different outcome that you want the society to be influenced by' and people shouldn't get influenced by films and have a 'solid moral compass' but that was 'unfortunately not the case'.
Further, she said that as a Bollywood actor or a star, she needs to exercise her power as with power comes responsibility. "It is my opinion, and I am not one of those, who will tell XYZ actors that they should not do these films. They have their own choice; we are in a free country and we have a freedom of choice. I wouldn't do it (Animal) is what I am saying," Pannu concluded.