The Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC) cleared Akshay Kumar's upcoming film OMG 2 for release earlier, with an ‘Adults Only' certificate. It has been reported that the film deals with the subject of sex education in Indian schools, and mentions masturbation. The CBFC also asked for 15-20 cuts since the religious angle could hurt the sentiments of the Indian audience. Now, a report suggests that the censor body has asked the makers to alter Akshay’s character too.
As per Koimoi, the film will not be able to get clearance for a release on August 11, as per plans. The CBFC has asked makers to change Akshay Kumar's character from Lord Shiva to a doot (messenger) of Lord Shiva.
A source informed the entertainment portal that the makers will have to change or delete several sequences where Akshay Kumar is shown in the blue complexion of Lord Shiva.
The teaser of OMG 2 was unveiled earlier this month. In the teaser, Pankaj could be seen playing the role of Kanti Sharan Mudgal, who worships Lord Shiva with utmost dedication, while Akshay is seen playing the role of Lord Shiva who comes to help Kanti's family when they suffer a big tragedy. Yami Gautam portrays the role of a lawyer in the film.
The film is a sequel to Paresh Rawal and Akshay Kumar-starrer 'OMG: Oh my God'. In the original film, Akshay essayed the character of Lord Krishna.
On a related note, the priest of Ujjain's Mahakaleshwar temple has demanded the deletion of scenes from the film that were filmed at the shrine due to the adult-only certification.
Mahesh Sharma, a priest of the Mahakaleshwar temple, told a news outlet, "The censor board has given 'A' certificate to the film ‘Oh My God 2’. This certification is reserved for films that have adult content. We demand that some scenes, which were filmed at the Mahakal temple, be removed as they might offend the religious sentiments of viewers."
"If our demand isn't met, we will launch protests across the country," Sharma added.
OMG 2 also stars Pankaj Tripathi and Yami Gautam and is slated to release on August 11, 2023. The satirical comedy-drama film is directed by Amit Rai.