An old video of Deepika Padukone on Karan Johar’s chat show Koffee With Karan has resurfaced where she spoke about not knowing how to casually date. The clip has led to netizens calling the actress a hypocrite after she appeared on the same show with her husband Ranveer Singh. The latest season saw Deepika confessing to not being in a committed relationship after she criticised the concept years ago.
Here are some reactions.
In 2014, when Deepika was rumoured to be dating Ranveer, she appeared on KWK with Priyanka Chopra. The two shared screen space in Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s Goliyon Ki Raasleela Ram-Leela and Bajirao Mastani with Ranveer. Back then, Karan asked Deepika if she was dating Ranveer and why she was not talking about it, especially when her courtship with Ranbir was out in the open, to which the actress replied, “That was a stage in my life when I had genuinely believed that I had fallen in love.” Karan then asked, “So you’re not in love with Ranveer?”, and Deepika said, “No.”
Deepika further stated, “I’m very scared to invest emotionally in a relationship because I don’t know how to casually date. I don’t know how to be in this in-between sort of dating but not committing. I don’t know just casual. It’s more to do with Indian culture. I don’t think we’ve been brought up to date. It’s not in our culture to do that. It might be changing now.”
Fast forward to 2023, Deepika appeared on season 8 of KWK with Ranveer and said that she had come out of difficult relationships and didn’t want to be attached or committed. She asserted that even after meeting Ranveer and dating him, “there was no real commitment as such” till he proposed marriage.
She added, “I did meet other people, but I wasn’t interested or excited by anyone else that I was seeing. In my mind, I was committed to him. So I would meet other people but at the back of my head, it was like, I am going back to him.”
Deepika and Ranveer ceremoniously tied the knot on November 14, 2018, in Italy's Lake Como. The two got married in a traditional South Indian ceremony followed by a North Indian wedding a day after.