Bollywood actress Nargis Fakhri, who is gearing up for her OTT debut, recently opened up about living in a 'haunted' apartment in Mumbai during the initial days of her film career. In one of her latest interviews, Nargis also narrated a horrific experience.
Recalling a weird dream that she used to get there, the Rockstar actress said, "I got an apartment, it was on Hill Road (Bandra), near the cemetery. I kept having this weird dream, and waking up at 3 in the morning… The hauntedness was crazy. I mean, this dream was so scary. It was a man that looked like a ghost. He was like 6 foot 5, white, pale, scary guy that would take me to the cemetery. Then he would dig his hand in the cemetery, and then pull out bones of people and eat the flesh and ask me to eat some. That was my dream. Four days in a row."
Nargis also added that when people came to pack when she was moving out, they told her that they found 'six dead baby birds' in her cabinet.
She said, "Isn’t that weird? I don’t know what was happening there."
Nargis revealed she left the house and then moved to Delhi. The actress was born in New York. She then lived in Europe and South East Asia.
The actress started off her career as a model, before moving to starring in Bollywood films. She made her debut with Imtiaz Ali's Rockstar, followed by films like Main Tera Hero, Housefull, and Banjo.