Ishita Dutta Sheth is all set to embrace motherhood. The Drishyam actress is expecting her first child with actor-husband Vatsal Sheth. On Mother's Day, The Free Press Journal caught up with the actress for an exclusive interview.
Opening up about her plans of celebrating Mother’s Day and her bond with her mother, Ishita shares, “This year, Mother’s Day is going to be extremely special because my baby shower is on the same day. It was a coincidence, we didn’t plan or realise it until recently somebody pointed it out. I was like ‘Oh wow’. So I’ll be celebrating Mother’s Day with my mom, mother-in-law and myself.”
The actress talks about some fond memories with her mother. She recalls, “When I was a kid, I used to keep hugging and kissing my mom and cuddling with her all the time. After I became a teenager, we became friends and even now we love chit-chatting. We talk about different things for hours. She’s always there for me no matter what.”
In March 2023, Ishita officially announced pregnancy. Sharing her feelings about embracing motherhood, she mentions, “I’m excited. Of course, I’m a little nervous as well. It’s the last trimester and I’m just preparing myself for everything. I’m trying to read up and talk to elders, even my friends who recently became moms. But ultimately, it’s going to be my own journey. I know I’m going to make mistakes but I’m ready.”
The 32-year-old reveals how she’s preparing for motherhood. “I’m reading a lot. There are so many classes available these days that prepare you to be a mom. A lot of people say that our mothers have done it and they didn’t have all this but I think right now, if you have the access so why not? I have been trying to gain knowledge. There are elders in the family who guide us what to do and what not to do. I’m gathering all the information to prepare myself,” she explains.
Ishita praises her husband for supporting and protecting her throughout her pregnancy. She believes Vatsal will be a good father. “He had been very supportive and he’s become very protective. He is a very caring person but now it has become 500 times more. He is very careful around me and always makes sure that everything is fine. If I need anything, he goes around running to get it. I truly believe and I often say that Vatsal is going to be a great father because he loves kids and he’s very good with them,” Ishita gushes.
The mom-to-be reveals she is nervous. “There are a lot of responsibilities when you are bringing a child into this world. You have to take care and make sure that the child is okay. You have to give values and teach good things to the kid and also protect the baby. I’ll admit that I’m a bit nervous,” she says.
Opening up about the challenges she faced through her pregnancy, Ishita states, “So far, it has been good. Of course, I’ve experienced the symptoms like nausea and mood swings and pretty much everything that you see on Google, especially during the first trimester. But I think it’s not been that bad. A lot of ups and downs happen but it’s been quite manageable. Also, consciously saying no to a lot of work has been difficult. Work required me to physically exert myself which I was not allowed to do. Stepping back from work wasn’t easy for me. But health is the most important right now.”
Ishita describes this phase of her life as beautiful and different. “There are so many emotions and thoughts but I’m only waiting for the child. Of course there are a few days that are not so good, healthwise, but overall I’m really enjoying this phase. We all are just praying that the child is healthy as that is the most important thing,” she concludes.