Superstar Mahesh Babu and his wife, former actress Namrata Shirodhar, have warned their fans and followers about their daughter Sitara's fake social media account. On Saturday (February 10), Namrata shared an official statement on Instagram and said that officials are investigating the cyber crime and the person impersonating Sitara will be apprehended.
In the statement, Namrata also stated that the the unidentified user has been posing as Sitara and sending trading and investment links to other users. She also tagged the official account of her daughter in the caption of her post and stated that it is her only account on Instagram.
The former actress also requested her followers not to trust any other account except for her official one.
"The Madhapur police, in connection with Team GMB, have issued a warning about a cybercrime incident involving the impersonation of Ms. Sitara Ghattamaneni on Instagram. An unidentified user has been fraudulently posing as Ms. Ghattamaneni, sending trading and investment links to unsuspecting users. Authorities are urging the public to remain vigilant and report any suspicious activity. Efforts are underway to trace and apprehend the individual responsible for these activities to prevent future occurrences," the statement read.
It added, "The public is advised to verify the authenticity of celebrity accounts before engaging with any financial advice online."
Sitara is quite active on Instagram and has 1.8 million followers. She regularly shares dance reels and others videos and photos to keep her fans and followers entertained.
According to a report in Times of India, a social media user came across the fake account and brought it to the notice of cybercrime officials. Soon after, a probe was launched against the miscreant.
DCP Cyberabad K Shilpavalli reportedly said that people should be careful of such fake accounts and are advised to immediately report any such activity to the police.
While Mahesh Babu is one of the most loved celebs across the country and has millions of fans, his 11-year-old daughter Sitara is no less. The young star kid recently turned brand ambassador for a popular jewellery brand and took home a mammoth paycheck. As per reports, she was paid a whopping Rs 1 crore by the jewellery brand for the commercial, and it was even featured on the famed Times Square in New York.
Mahesh Babu and Namrata Shirodkar tied the knot in February 2005 after dating for four years. They are proud parents to two kids -- a son, Gautham Krishna, who was born in 2006, and daughter Sitara, born in 2012.