Bollywood actress Malvika Raaj, best known for playing the role of young Kareena Kapoor (Pooja) in Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham, tied the knot with businessman Pranav Bagga on November 30 in Goa. Their intimate and close-knit wedding ceremony was attended by close friends and family members. On Thursday, Malvika took to her Instagram account to share dreamy pictures from the ceremony.
In the pictures, the bride is seen wearing a gorgeous golden lehenga and full sleeves blouse. Pranav also opted for a golden sherwani. One of the photos gives a glimpse of Malvika's grand bridal entry. In another picture, Pravnav is seen tying mangalsutra around Malvika's neck.
"Our Hearts are Full of Love and Gratitude ❤️ #MalusLoveBug #Married #Forevemine," the couple captioned their post on Instagram.
Soon after Malvika shared her wedding photos on social media, her fans and followers and several celebrities, congratulated the couple.
Shirley Setia wrote, "Congratulations you guysss 🥰🥰🥰" and Pooja Batra commented, "How gorgeous you look 💗💕 congratulations 🍾🎊🎉🎈 God bless."
Other celebrities like Bhagyashree, Nishant Bhat and Priyank Sharma dropped red heart emoticons in the comments section.
In August 2023, Malvika shared a series of pictures from her dreamy proposal on Instagram and made her relationship with Pranav Instagram official.
Meanwhile, on the work front, even after two decades, Malvika is remembered for playing the role of young Kareena Kapoor in Karan Johar's 'K3G'. She was also seen in the 2017 film Jayadev and she played the lead role opposite Rinzing Denzongpa in the film called 'Squad'.
Malvika is the granddaughter of Jagdish Raj (Bollywood film actor), daughter of Bobby Raj and niece of veteran actress Anita Raj.