Actor-comedian Vir Das scripted history as he won the trophy for 'Vir Das: Landing' on Netflix at the International Emmy Awards 2023. For the ceremony, he opted for a traditional black bandhgala set. He was nominated alongside Le Flambeau from France, El Encargado from Argentina, and Derry Girls Season 3 from the UK.
Das took to X, formerly Twitter sharing a picture of holding the trophy and wrote, "For India For Indian Comedy. Every breath, every word. Thank you to the @iemmys for this incredible honour."
Talking about winning at the International Emmy Awards, Vir expressed his excitement and joy saying, “This moment is truly surreal – an incredible honor that feels like a dream. Winning an Emmy for 'Vir Das: Landing' in the 'Comedy Category' is not just a milestone for me but for Indian comedy as a whole. It's heartening to see 'Vir Das: Landing' resonate globally, thanks to Netflix, Akash Sharma, and Reg Tigerman who made it special. My journey from crafting local stories to receiving a global accolade has been both challenging and rewarding, and Netflix has been instrumental in that growth. I'm excited about the continued exploration of diverse narratives, from Noida to the International Emmys - India gets you there.”
In his fourth Netflix special Vir Das presents a show about what it means to be truly global while looking for home. To carry your country across the world with you, whatever that country is, and to find your feet. A show about growing up in India, seeing the globe, love troubles, colossal failures, social media madness, the perils of outrage, unplanned drugs, war-zone boarding schools, metaphorical mathematical equations, the current state of comedy, getting nominated, getting intoxicated, and ultimately just getting situated.