Radhika Madan, who made her big showbiz entry with television has come a long way. With her compelling film choices, the actor is quite busy these days working on OTT projects. She earned accolades for her roles in films like Pataakha, and Angrezi Medium. And now, her latest film Sanaa is earning good reviews from the audience as well as critics. The film premiered at the ongoing International Film Festival of India, IFFI in Goa. The Shiddat actor spoke to The Free Press Journal about her character in the film, how she resonates with Sanaa, the protagonist, and her future aspirations.
On her character in Sanaa
As an actor, we discussed all of it that was in the script. Adding to that there was also someone in Sanaa’s life who had it in her subconscious level while she was attracted to the man of that age. When you want to be more powerful, you want to own the more powerful person. I think that desire for owning was manipulating. She knows what she is doing and why she is doing it. There were a lot of layers in my character which I loved performing.
Her inspiration for the role
We have a lot of people in our lives who inspire us for a particular role. There could be some very close acquaintances that are like Sanaa. I healed my relationships with many people through this film. I couldn’t understand those people at that time, as I felt they were wrong. They were entitled but I started to understand them more and also find commonalities between them and myself. We need to see beyond their actual personality. That's how I healed my life when things were difficult.
On her future aspirations
I always ask this question after finishing one film: what's next? I strive to play different characters as I get bored putting up one life on reel. It's so funny when I played a character in Pataakha, Angrezi Medium, Kaccha Limbu, and now Sanaa, people offered me the same role. I was offered a job as a teenage girl after playing Tarika Bansal in Angrezi Medium and a village girl after doing Pataakha. I couldn’t explain to people that it was a tough call to do the same character. I feel suffocated. I always like to move on and that’s what I have done.