Veteran Bollywood actress Jaya Bachchan recently opened up on the changing gender roles and dynamics in the current generation and expressed her views on women wanting to pay on dates. She disagreed with the concept and was of the opinion that men should be the ones paying on dates.
It all started with her grandkids Navya Nanda Naveli and Agastya Nanda discussing the evolving concepts of dating and chivalry in tandem with women empowerment. Navya stated how women today prefer to be independent in almost every aspect of their life, including paying for their share during a date.
"Today, if you take a girl out on a date and you offer to pay, some people get offended by that. Because women now feel they’re equally…" Navya began putting forth her point, when she was cut off by Jaya, who opined that the women should let the men pay.
"How stupid of those women. You should let the men pay," the veteran actress said.
Trying to prove her point, Navya continued, "No, but I’m saying these are things that happen. That ‘Oh we can open the door for ourselves. You don’t need to open it for us.’ So, where do you draw that line? Are you opening doors for people? Have you ever been in a situation where you’ve been chivalrous but a woman has said, I can do that myself?"
To that, Jaya replied, "Basically what they’re trying to say is – don’t be chivalrous. How stupid is that?"
Jaya also mentioned that she would prefer a man take the initiative and propose to a woman or ask her out on a date as she would feel awkward doing so herself.
Highlighting the subject of toxic masculinity, Agastya mentioned that while it is okay for men to do certain actions out of kindness or basic manners, it is wrong when they do it with a sense of superiority or as an obligation.