Siddharth Anand's Fighter released in theatres on January 25, Thursday, and the film is the first time that actors Hrithik Roshan and Deepika Padukone will be seen sharing the screen in. Fighter has opened with positive reviews from the audience, however, the ones who watched the film pointed out that some shots of the lead actors, which are present in the songs and other promotional videos, were deleted in the theatrical version.
Prior to the release of Fighter, the Censor Board had asked the makers to chop off some "sexually suggestive scenes" between Hrithik and Deepika in the film. The scenes seem to be from the song Ishq Jaisa Kuch, which is solely based on the chemistry between the two leads.
In the theatrical cut, Ishq Jaisa Kuch plays right at the end of the film, in the post-credits segment. Several shots of Hrithik and Deepika wrapped in each other's arms by the beach have been removed from the theatre version taking in consideration the Censor Board's order. However, the scenes are still very much there in the version of the same song which has been streaming on YouTube for quite some time now.
In one of the shots, Deepika can be seen wearing a black bikini and lying on top of a shirtless Hrithik, while in another, the latter can be seen hugging the former with his arms wrapped tightly around her waist.
Besides, several other minor modifications like muting a cuss word and inserting an anti-smoking message were also made in the film, in adherence with the CBFC certificate.
Besides Hrithik and Deepika, Fighter also stars Anil Kapoor, Karan Singh Grover and Akshay Oberoi in key roles. The film is based on the Balakot air strikes that were conducted by India on Pakistan after the latter attacked and killed Indian jawans in Pulwama.