Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan sent the nation into a tizzy back in 2007 when he went shirtless for the first time on screen and showed off his six-pack abs in the chartbuster Dard-E-Disco from his film Om Shanti Om. While the song and SRK's look in it took the nation by storm, director Farah Khan has now revealed how it was not a cakewalk for the superstar.
During a recent conversation, Farah revealed how SRK had promised her that the first time he will take his shirt off on screen will be in a film helmed by her.
She also shared that he was earlier supposed to do a bare body shot in Main Hoon Na but he could not work out and get into the desired shape due to injuries and a surgery.
"In Dard-E-Disco, he couldn’t even dance properly because he was cramping so much. He didn’t have water for two days because it causes bloating," Farah revealed.
Farah went on to state that despite dancing in films for over three decades, SRK had asked for multiple rehearsals while they were shooting for a song in Jawan.
"I said ‘What is wrong with you? Are you crazy?’ He said ‘No, I am thinking that if I rehearse, I will be able to dance better’," she shared.
Farah reportedly choreographed the song, Faraatta, in Jawan, which starred SRK and Deepika Padukone.
SRK and Farah are the thickest of friends in B-Town and they have also delivered the biggest blockbusters together like Main Hoon Na, Om Shanti Om and Happy New Year.