Despicable Me is a comedy animated film featuring the voices of Steve Carell and Kristen Wiig in the lead roles. The film premiered on June 9, 2024, at the Jazz at Lincoln Center, and later, it was released in theatres on July 3, 2024. It is set to stream on OTT in August 2024.
Release date and streaming platform of Despicable Me 4
The film will be streaming online from August 16, 2024, on Amazon Prime Video and Book My Show.
The story revolves around Gru, who tries hard to be loved by his newborn baby. One day, he learns that his family is in danger when a mysterious man comes to his home's doorstep. After its theatrical release, the film received a positive response and became one of the highest-grossing films of 2024.
The film features the voices of Steve Carell as Gru, Kristen Wiig as Lucy Wilde, Sofia Vergara as Valentina, Joey King as Poppy Prescott, Will Ferrell as Maxime Le Mal, Chloe Fineman as Patsy Prescott, Pierre Coffin as the Minions, Madison Polan as Agnes, Dana Gaier as Edith and Romesh Ranganathan, among others.
All about Despicable Me 4
The animated film is written by Mike White and Ken Daurio. It is helmed by Chris Renaud. Chris Meledandri has produced the film with Brett Hoffman under Universal Pictures Illumination. The music is composed by Pharrell Williams and Heitor Pereira. Tiffany L Kurtz edited the movie, and it had a collection of $765.1 million at the box office.