Renowned K-drama actor Son Ye-jin, famous for her role in the hit series 'Crash Landing on You', recently took to Instagram to share a delightful picture collage featuring her son Alkong's tiny hand alongside her pet's paw. The internet quickly swooned over the adorable snapshot, as fans couldn't help but gush over the cuteness.
The post, which featured a trio of emojis representing the famous three wise monkeys - speak-no-evil, hear-no-evil, and see-no-evil monkeys - lacked a caption, but it spoke volumes about the bond between the little one and the family's furry companion.
The response from fans was overwhelming, with many expressing their delight and appreciation for the heartwarming moment. Comments like, "Yejin son's hand," and "Thank you for sharing with us! You make our hearts flutter," poured in, reflecting the joy that the beloved actress's gesture brought to her followers.
One fan even playfully mused, "Kitty teaching Alkongie: 'Keep your paws just like mine'," adding a touch of humour to the heart-melting scene.
Alkong, their bundle of joy, arrived in the world in November of the previous year, marking a momentous occasion for Son Ye-jin and her husband, fellow actor Hyun Bin. The news of their child's birth was confirmed by their agency, MSteam Entertainment, which assured the public that both mother and baby were healthy.
Before the official announcement, the couple had kept the pregnancy under wraps, with Ye-jin revealing the delightful news herself through a heartfelt Instagram post. The couple's happiness was palpable, and they later confirmed that they were blessed with a baby boy.
Son Ye-jin and Hyun Bin, whose on-screen chemistry is adored by fans worldwide, decided to take their romance off-screen and exchanged vows in an intimate ceremony on March 31, 2022. Their love story extended beyond "Crash Landing on You," as the pair also starred together in the gripping 2018 action thriller film, "The Negotiation."